What are the items families in need require the most that wouldn’t cross your mind while walking through the aisles at your local grocery store?
- Diapers: Did you know that 42% of our members are children? With diapers at a high cost, many families cannot afford them for their children or often have to find extras that don’t fit. At the moment, diapers sized 3, 4 and 6 are needed the most.
Not only that, we have older, retired members that could really use adult diapers as well. Many don’t think of adult diapers when donating but they are in high demand!
- Feminine Hygiene Products: Most people think of tampons immediately when the words “feminine hygiene” appear but we are also in need of other items such as pads and pantyliners. Often we have women who cannot wear tampons for many reasons and must resort to other methods. But it doesn’t stop there—razors, waxing kits and other hygienic items are needed as well! Just think of all the products you have in your bathroom cabinets…
- Pet Food: Many of our members with pets often skip meals so that their cats and dogs have enough food. Donated pet food goes a long way in helping our furry friends and hungry families.
- Shampoo: Not only shampoo but conditioner, body wash, soap and even toothpaste are items we are low on and always needed. Sometimes hygiene products can be just as important as food to families living in poverty.
- Gluten-Free/Vegan/Vegetarian/Halal, etc.: At Eden, we pride ourselves on giving our members CHOICE–just as they would have at a grocery store or restaurant–with what they eat. That means making sure dietary restrictions and choices are included with all our other food selections.
Find out how you can donate here: https://www.edenffc.org/donate-now
We appreciate all your kind donations, thank you for supporting Eden and helping our community!