The holidays are a magical time of year when everyone seems to be in an exceptionally giving mood….giving to charities, giving to causes, and giving back to our community. But there are also some pitfalls of giving during this time of year that can be avoided! Check out our fun list of Dos and Don’ts this Giving Season!

DON’T: Be spontaneous and give without thinking.

DO: Research the causes and make sure they are something you’re passionate about.

During the holidays it always seems like there are many worthwhile causes to choose from….and there are! Make sure you are giving to a cause or charity you believe in and are passionate about. Or even something local where you can really see the impact of your donation. Do a little research beforehand to make your holiday giving even more worthwhile. Bonus: don’t forget to accurately fill out your donation forms and include all your contact info! You could start receiving information detailing how your donation has impacted the community.

DON’T: just give money.

DO: consider also giving your time, food donations, clothing donations, etc.

Money is great and can often make the biggest impact, especially to charities like EFFC. But there are other ways to give on top of your financial donation. Look for more opportunities to give such as food to a food drive, clothing to a clothing drive or your time to a cause you love!

DON’T: forget about the charity come January.

DO: consider becoming a monthly donor.

As a charity, we’re often so happy to see all the donations pour through over the holidays, only to find our shelves and fridges bare around April. Giving is not for one season, one time of year or one event. Please consider becoming a monthly donor to better help your organization of choice. For us at EFFC, consistent monthly donations help plan for shortages and buy weekly fresh food for our Food Bank Members including dairy, meat and vegetables.

DON’T: donate things you don’t want, don’t like, or things sitting around your house or pantry.

DO: donate things you like and would want to wear and eat.

Please try not to treat a charity as a dumping ground for unwanted items. Think of what you would want when grocery shopping and that is often what is requested most by our Food Bank Members. A can of tomato soup probably won’t be on your must-have list so think of all your favourites and the foods you can’t live without! When donating clothes, think of what you’d want to be seen wearing and your most comfortable or warmest clothing items. These are things everyone would want and truly show the thoughtfulness behind your giving.

DON’T: keep your giving to yourself.

DO: tell all your family and friends and recommend they give too!

Don’t: keep this a secret; tell your friends, family and even kind strangers about how good it feels to give! You can inspire others to do the same.

Thank you for all your help through this season and beyond. HAPPY GIVING!

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