Dear Eden family and friends,

I have the privilege to make the announcement that Shanzey Ahmed is joining our team on March 9th. Shanzey will be taking on the new role of “Volunteer Development and Community Engagement Manager” a big title for sure and the role is so very important. Volunteers are the key to success in EFFC’s thirty plus years of work as an organization focused on serving the members of our community who endure food insecurity. Volunteers are the community in action, we recognize how important volunteers are for the health of EFFC. The role of Volunteer Development and Community Engagement Manager is all about bringing out the best of our volunteers, developing new opportunities to serve, and showing appreciation and recognition to the team of people who serves our community with purpose, energy and hearts.

In addition to her role in developing and supporting the volunteer team at EFFC, Shanzey will combine this role with community engagement and corporate team building. Shanzey will be coordinating with our corporate and school communities to engage them in our groups in the kitchen and warehouse sorting teams. We really see these areas as opportunities for the community to contribute to the success of EFFC in its on-going battle with food insecurity in the region. Last year Eden saw 70 groups in the kitchen with 1,075 people, raising over $68,000 producing over 25,000 meals to be distributed, the warehouse had over 20 sorting groups. Having Shanzey onboard we are going to develop these contributions significantly helping to make EFFC more sustainable and get our message out to the larger community. Shanzey will also have the mandate to further develop how EFFC demonstrates appreciation and recognition to our amazing donors whether an individual, family or organization we want to do more to show how vital their donations are and how much we value their support.

Shanzey has a real passion to serve, she comes to us following extensive volunteering efforts working with University of Toronto Mississauga in several aspects and capacities receiving the Principals Involvement Award. Shanzey has left her position at the Royal Bank to join us.

Shanzey’s Bachelor’s degree is from University of Toronto Mississauga where she majored in Psychology and Criminology & Socio-legal studies.

Shanzey will be working out of both EFFC sites. So, when you first meet Shanzey please let her know that you are excited about her joining our team.
I appreciate your joining me in providing a warm welcome for Shanzey.

On behalf of the board of Eden Food for Change and myself,
Peter Costello
Executive Director
Eden Food for Change