As we continue to navigate growing concerns around COVID-19 together, we want to remain transparent in our communications and keep you updated on recent developments and in turn, our deliberate response. Here at EFFC, our first priority continues to be the health, safety and well being of our members, volunteers, and staff.
We are proactively following the lead of Public Health authorities, including The Ministry of Health and the Region of Peel. We are committed to doing our part to ensure our volunteers and members are adequately informed about the current status of COVID-19 and how it impacts EFFC. We are taking appropriate safety measures and have existing plans in place to ensure it stays that way. You may notice some changes as we implement additional safety measures and best practices that we will be following at both our locations at all times:
  • As with all viruses we need to be diligent with the following: wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds as often as possible
  • If hand washing is not available, please use a hand sanitizer that is at least 70 percent alcohol
  • Practice social distancing as much as possible
  • Avoid touching your hands to your face
  • Avoid shaking hands
  • When possible try to stay at least 1 – 2 metres from others
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow and if you see someone else coughing or sneezing and not using this technique very kindly ask them to adopt this practice
  • If you are coughing or sneezing, have a cold or flu, please stay home
  • If we see someone that may be sick and coughing or sneezing, we will ask them to move away from others and assist them separately
  • During this time, the grocery store model currently in place at the Food Bank will be switched over to a food hamper model temporarily

At the end of each food bank shift we will be disinfecting marked areas with a kitchen standard disinfectant. All carts will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes as will computer keyboards. Our kitchen staff will also work diligently to follow all necessary protocols.

Should there be an expansion of COVID-19 in our community we will continue taking the next steps as provided by the appropriate health authorities. We will keep you well informed as we adapt to this fluid situation and are committed to leading with care and making fact-based decisions by relying on health experts to support our actions.
If any volunteers have compromised immune systems or do not feel comfortable attending shifts, please do not feel you have to come in. We completely understand that this is your choice.
At times like these we are often forced to think inward out of fear and panic but I want to challenge everyone to think of others by considering the most vulnerable people in our community. The elderly that may need help with grocery shopping, the ones with medical conditions that may need prescriptions filled and picked up at the pharmacy, or those who are in need of food donations like our members at EFFC. These small actions now can make a world of difference.
We are mindful of the challenges around COVID-19 and we will adapt our protocols regularly around the needs of our members. We will continue to inform you of any changes as we closely monitor the situation.
Peter Costello
Executive Director
Eden Food for Change